
About Layoff Layoff occurs when a job is no longer needed or completed and is not the employee’s fault. Companies may lay off workers due to higher productivity, new technology, new management, or reduced demand in existing markets. The layoff experience can be challenging and unsettling. However, continuing to do so and adopting a positive and proactive mindset can help you navigate this transition more effectively, and you can be […]

What Things You do to Get a New Job After Layoff? Read More »

Skills Gap “Skills gap” refers to the difference between employees’ skills and the skills they need to perform their jobs effectively. This discrepancy occurs when an employee’s skill set does not match the employer’s expectations. As a result, it becomes difficult for employers to find suitable candidates for jobs. The skills gap can be attributed to various factors, such as a lack of skilled candidates in the industry, changing job

What is Skills Gap? How Can Skills Gap be Bridged in Workplace? Read More »

Increase your value to the organization to maintain employment and avoid layoffs. Companies lay off employees when they face financial problems, but employees responsible for generating the company’s revenue are usually not laid off. Therefore, it is recommended that you move into a role that allows you to contribute to the overall growth and success of the company. You can follow this approach to increase the company’s revenue and decrease

How to Keep Jobs and Avoid Layoffs? Read More »

Personal Greatness Personal greatness results from inner strength, strong desire, and good intentions. When we possess personal greatness, we are better companions and better able to face life’s challenges. Achieving personal greatness requires a lifetime of honesty, reasonableness, and faithfulness. Personal greatness is essential to making the right decisions in life. Growing personal greatness requires dedication, persistence, and continuous self-improvement. By intentionally cultivating self-awareness, pursuing meaningful goals, and prioritizing wellness,

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Intelligence is self-awareness, emotional intelligence, creativity which is the innate ability to adapt to new situations and apply knowledge. Intelligence enables people to think and move forward. Humans use intelligence to solve problems in new and previously tried situations to retain knowledge. Reasons Why Intelligence are Used: Intelligence is the ability to do the right thing without asking for guidance. Intelligence is a gift from Allah and there is no

How can Intelligence be Defined and Used? Read More »

Enhancing employee performance refers to the skills and abilities to perform, implement and complete tasks with the intent of improving specific overall results. Employee performance is how well s/he works and how successful s/he is. Ways to Enhance Performance at Work: Knowing Relevance – how appropriate everything that is happening is relevant to action. Relevance helps target identification. Focus where you want to do something important – you need to

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Fight or flight in social situations, the stress response that occurs in response to a threat to survival, comes from fear of incapacitation. People spend time and energy hiding evidence of incompetence. Therefore, the perception of fight or flight activates the nervous system and creates intense stress. Reasons for Fight or Flight in Social Situations: People spend time and energy hiding evidence of incompetence. The perception of fight or flight

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Adaptive and Technical Issues Adaptive and technical problems represent distinct challenges in the workplace, each requiring a different approach and skill set for effective resolution. Understanding these differences can help organizations and individuals deal with them more effectively and sustainably. Having the proper knowledge and skills can often solve technical problems. However, adaptation challenges can be a whole other story. These challenges are more complex, messy, and multidimensional, requiring multiple

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About Personal Self-Importance In the workplace, a personal role is a position used to describe the expected behavior of a person within a particular social or professional position. Person’s role does not define their entire being; Instead, it simply categorizes their lives for easier understanding. Personal roles in the workplace are essential for teamwork, accountability, efficiency, goal alignment, professional development, and increased employee satisfaction. Each individual’s contribution plays an essential

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About Sarcastic Sarcastic is a form of humor that often involves expressing disapproval or contempt in a way that seems to mean the opposite of what is being said. It is commonly used to mock or insult someone, and people on the receiving end of sarcasm may not feel comfortable or safe around the person using it, especially if that person is a friend or family member. Learning how to

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Part time job Part time jobs offer flexibility, skill development, supplemental income, and various other benefits that can meet the needs and preferences of individuals at different stages of life and across career paths. They have become increasingly popular among people looking for flexibility or extra income. The ILO (International Labor Organization) defines part-time work as employment where regular hours are less than comparable full-time work, usually less than 30

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About naive people Naive people are often associated with a lack of experience. They may not possess the knowledge or judgment necessary to make the best decisions. They may have a rigid adherence to ideals and beliefs. Sophistication does not include a lack of wisdom, judgment, or strict adherence to ideals. Naive people believe everything they hear, see, and read. However, they are generally free from cunning or treacherous thoughts.

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About Sarcastic Sarcastic is a form of humor that often involves expressing disapproval or contempt in a way that seems to mean the opposite of what is being said. It is commonly used to mock or insult someone, and people on the receiving end of sarcasm may not feel comfortable or safe around the person using it, especially if that person is a friend or family member. Learning how to

What is Sarcasm and How to Deal with Sarcastic People? Read More »

Coping with option challenges at work Handling situations professionally and diplomatically is essential when your options and ideas are challenged at work. Options give us the best opportunity but not the freedom or right to choose. Individuals can manage difficult choices within the company when they take responsibility for their comfort and focus their efforts on achieving organizational goals rather than solely on personal growth. Challenge is an obstacle that

How to Respond When Someone Challenges Your Options at Work? Read More »

Second career may arise from evolving interests that motivate one to pursue a more enjoyable or exciting path while in his current job. A second career allows for exploring new interests, skills, or passions, leading to personal fulfillment, growth, and an expanded life path. Overall, a second career can serve as a great way to increase personal satisfaction and pave the way for a brighter future. Essential Things to Consider

What Important Factors Should be Considered Before Considering a Second Career? Read More »

Ego ideal is the psychological concept that refers to an individual’s internal image of personal superiority. These normative self-representations are the moral principles and behavioral standards people want to meet. Ego ideals play an important role in shaping our sense of integrity and self-worth. It provides individuals with a sense of pride and accomplishment, motivating them to pursue personal growth and success. Ego ideal is a powerful force that motivates

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Having a personality that fits well with your job is crucial, as it impacts your job satisfaction and that of your colleagues and manager. A good personality-job fit can significantly affect your well-being, leading to increased organizational commitment and identification.  Reasons Why Personality Fit is Important for Jobs: Personality fit considers employees’ needs, abilities, values, and organizational requirements. Employees know how the company or job meets their standards and expectations.

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Today’s higher education Today’s higher education faces new challenges and opportunities from contemporary social trends and technological advances. Universities and colleges offer various types of academic higher education. The purpose of higher education is to develop learning skills and knowledge. Education is not about getting a certificate. Proper education and its implementation are the backbone of improving our behavior and career. There has been a noticeable change in the composition

What are Purposes of Higher Education in Today’s Society? Read More »

Change forces people into new roles and new ways of doing things. Evaluating the impact of change requires distinguishing between necessary and unnecessary actions and evaluating them. Change is inevitable because necessary skills help people adapt to change. Factors to Consider in Assessing Impact of Change Are: Essential skills – Acquiring knowledge and actions—which perform well—lead others to realize high performance. However, necessary skills – Acquiring knowledge and activities needed

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Qualifications show the employer what you’ve learned – and what you can do on the job as a result of that education. There are different types of qualifications, such as – required and desirable qualifications – that employers look for in their potential employees. Essential Qualifications – very important or absolutely essential, experience, skills, knowledge in a particular subject – that can apply to job roles and activities. Example: Let’s

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Many people believe they know their strengths, but this may not always be the case. The reality is that people can only excel by capitalizing on their strengths, not focusing on their weaknesses. Therefore, it is essential to identify strengths and seek opportunities that align with us to find a path to a fulfilling life. Identifying what the world needs most and determining the best way to help can result

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Taking ownership of work allows you to understand your role in the larger context of the organization and enables you to maximize your contribution. To own your responsibilities at work, you must understand your role, meet expectations, and take a genuine interest in your company’s success. Reasons Why to Develop a Sense of Ownership for Work: Motivate to Work Owning the workplace means taking the initiative to ask questions and

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Job promotion is an excellent way to advance your career and take your skills to the next level within the organization. To be eligible for promotion, you must demonstrate exceptional performance, competence, and potential for growth. Promotions are awarded to employees who have shown outstanding performance, efficiency, competence, and potential for growth. If you want a promotion, you must work hard, show dedication, and be a valuable asset to your

How Is Employee Performance Evaluated To Determine Eligibility For Promotion? Read More »

Work relationships are the connections you make with coworkers, managers, and other employees that contribute to job satisfaction for you and your team. Good working relationships show your coworkers that you appreciate them, prioritize them, and work together on projects. Strong working relationships can help you lead your team more effectively and achieve better results. Today’s organizations depend on trust. This belief does not mean that employees have to like

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Second career allows individuals to explore new interests, skills, or passions, leading to personal growth and fulfillment. By starting a second career, individuals can broaden their horizons and pursue a more fulfilling life path. A second career is a gateway to discovering new opportunities and realizing one’s full potential. Second career lets you know- Would you still like to learn new skills? What field has intrigued your interest over the

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Manage Laid Off Laid-off occurs when a job is no longer needed or completed and is not the employee’s fault. Companies may lay off workers due to higher productivity, new technology, new management, or reduced demand in existing markets. Laid-off experience can be challenging and unsettling. However, adopting a positive and proactive mindset can help you navigate this transition more effectively, and you can be more meaningful and empowered. Ways

What Mindset Should You Adopt if You are Laid Off from Your Job? Read More »

 Bored at work: “Bored at work” is the feeling of dissatisfaction and unhappiness a person experiences while performing an activity that fails to produce excitement or interest. A lack of interest and stimulation usually causes boredom as a result of repeating the same task over and over again. Boredom can refer to two things: being completely engaged in the task at hand, It fails or doesn’t make sense. Therefore, one

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Networking at work Networking in the workplace offers many benefits, both professionally and personally. It’s not just about meeting new people but also about maintaining existing relationships. These essential skills allow individuals to connect with others personally and professionally and support career growth and development. Actively networking at work is vital in today’s competitive work environment. This allows individuals to improve their communication skills and enhance their career opportunities by

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Things to avoid: To achieve success, avoiding careless situations and working efficiently is essential. Some things should not be done or allowed to happen by others. Refraining from acting impulsively and taking time to weigh the consequences of decisions is crucial. Many things in life should be avoided for personal and collective welfare. Some actions should be avoided altogether, while others may require careful consideration. Avoiding actions that may have

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Shortened Memory Duration Memory duration is an important cognitive ability that enables individuals to concentrate on a specific task or topic without losing focus. Recognizing that memory is a complex process influenced by various internal and external factors is essential. Improving focus, managing stress, getting enough sleep, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle can alleviate memory problems and help overall cognitive function. In today’s fast-paced world, understanding and increasing memory duration

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Mistakes and intelligence Yes, learning from mistakes can contribute significantly to a person’s overall growth and development, including intellectual growth. Intelligence is not only about innate ability or knowledge but also involves the ability to adapt, solve problems, and learn from experience. Mistakes build critical thinking, problem-solving skills, resilience, creativity, adaptability, and self-awareness. Learning from our own and others’ mistakes makes us more experienced and wiser. Smart people learn from

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Work Orders – Outline all the information about the work and the process for completing that work. Work orders specify what workers are to do – when work will start – clarify what needs to be done – specify completion dates – and give special instructions if necessary. Briefly, work orders include details of who authorized the work, the scope, who is assigned, and what is expected. Advantages of Issuing

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Teacher is a person who teaches, advises, guides – and counsels students. Develop well-rounded knowledge that helps students develop social, emotional, and intellectual skills to become competent people. Teachers teach students to distinguish between right and wrong. Guide how to make good decisions in personal and professional life and be happy and successful in life. Teachers Roles in Shaping Students Lives: Teachers play an important role in shaping the lives

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Learning from mistakes Mistakes are the result of actions that are not right or intended. It may be due to faulty judgment, insufficient knowledge, or carelessness. It is important to remember that everyone makes mistakes from time to time. Mistakes are caused by doing something incorrectly or wrongly. Mistakes can happen accidentally, like when we slip up or miscalculate. In short, mistakes are an inevitable part of life, and it

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Contribution of experience Experiences play an essential role in shaping our life identity, beliefs and world view. They contribute to our personal growth and development. Everyone has to learn and experience something to survive. What you know and what you feel determines your success or failure in life. Therefore, it is essential to experience as much as possible to live a fulfilled life. Whether personal or professional, what we know

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Poverty means insufficient and inferior resources where an individual, family, community and society lacks financial resources to meet basic needs including food, clothing and shelter. The level of income from employment, business is so low that even the basic needs of people are not met. Poverty is a serious problem for the survival, sustainability and growth of people, communities, societies and countries. Poverty, which is an obstacle to the economic

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Desired Life Desired life is to be complete, satisfied, and happy. Achieving the life you desire is a journey rather than a destination. However, often, people try to change their results by changing their actions rather than their mindset. This creates more resistance and tension, like swimming against the current. The procedure can create additional resistance and tension, like swimming against the current. Therefore, by understanding the importance of changing

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Intelligence is the inborn ability to learn from experience – to solve problems – and to adapt to new situations. However, skills come from training and activity. In my opinion – intelligence is ability – not skill. Ability Gives Us: Ability is the talent that help us function well as individuals of great potential physically, mentally, legally, morally, financially. Ability determines whether you have the will and means to do

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Rich person is a person- who wants and deserves more things, huge wealth, and lots of money than normal needs or aspirations at any cost. Ways a Person Become Rich: A person become rich by hurting himself and/or hurting others. Making huge amounts of money at any cost. Money is the key element that drives one to be rich. Yes – money is the petrol of life, life is limited

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Entrepreneurs should focus on long-term results and consider the practice and consequences of actions. They also need to take full responsibility for their own actions and be ready to admit mistakes in situations. Practices for Entrepreneurial Success in Business: Creating Branding Messages:  To attract a large number of customers – create short, clearly published branding messages for the target market. Otherwise- customers are confused to understand the skills of the

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New technologies are changing all levels and aspects of our lives. New technologies are flooding the workplace and we need to be up-to-date with new challenges. We should be lifelong learners – because the advancement of technology is inevitable and ongoing – no one can escape or avoid it. New technologies are being applied to reduce costs, increase productivity and increase quality. If you want to stay at the forefront

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Canadian Bangladeshi can contribute to the development of Bangladesh in many ways! However, question arises – of whether the government and the people of Bangladesh are willing to accept such contributions !!! Ways Canadian Bangladeshi  Can Contribute: Canadian Bangladeshi can equip the people of Bangladesh by sharing progressive and essential skills that lay the foundations for meaningful – healthy and long lives for Bangladeshis. Canadian Bangladeshi – can bring great

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Importance of using “I don’t know” In discussion If you lack knowledge on a specific topic in the discussion, saying “I don’t know” doesn’t mean you have to walk away with your head down. If you think you know everything, you will never achieve your goals. Acknowledging limitations and asking for help is a sign of strength and can pave the way for greater success. This can help you avoid

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Everyone wants to be unique popular and well connected in their own way. Seeks attention from others. Wants others to hear his ideas, options, suggestions and recommendations. To be popular and well-connected requires a strong desire to be important – great – and famous. Reasons to be Popular and Well-connected: People want to be well-connected, admired, well-known and popular with family, spouse, children and others in the community. Well-connection reduces

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Key factors influencing the quality of higher education are acquiring knowledge about university degrees, still relevant and essential for better jobs. Growing Employees Demand – Higher education is essential for a specific job – that matches the job demand! Factors Affecting the Quality of Higher Education: Quality teachers and teaching system. Quality of curriculum. Available technical infrastructure. Research environment. Accreditation system. Administrative policies and procedures. Research shows that if universities

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Universities offer various types of academic higher education. The purpose of higher education is to develop learning skills and knowledge. Higher education is not about acquiring certificates. Proper education and its implementation is the backbone of improving our behavior. Bangladesh’s higher education is lagging far behind international standards. No doubt – Bangladeshis have lost morality and momentum. It is essential to correct and improve it through proper education. Otherwise –

Why Quality of University Education in Bangladesh is Declining Drastically? Read More »

Generation gap gap is a difference in opinion between one generation and another – which creates conflict, frustration and complicates communication. Generation gap occurs – when the younger generation goes against the beliefs, values, attitudes and actions of their parents including their elders. We must all work together to minimize generation gap. Ways to Minimize Generation Gap: Elders, including parents, must hold the past in one hand and reach for

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Confident people believe in their own abilities – however, Arrogant people believe I am better than everyone else. Confidence helps to know oneself, take new opportunities, believe in self-confidence, skills and talents. But, Arrogance is a reflection of limited life experience – which comes from excessive self-importance. Difference Between Confident and Arrogant Person: Qualities of a Confident Person: Confident person has a good self-esteem attitude. S/he likes to build herself

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Arrogant person thinks s/he knows everything – has seen everything – and done everything. S/he has his/her own story about how s/he did something big or good. Arrogance doesn’t come from hatred—it comes from problems with self-esteem and self-awareness— arrogant person doesn’t see how ridiculous his/her claims are. Ways to Deal with Arrogant Person: Merely ignoring does not diminish arrogance of the arrogant. To protect against egoism in family and

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Follow is to take advantage of others – to assume the judgment of others – to act according to the dictates of others at the expense of one’s own intelligence, faith. Whereas, imitation is the copying of another person – the person imitates and uses as one’s own with some modifications. In my opinion – imitation is more beneficial than follow someone. Reasons Why Imitation is Useful: Imitation – acts

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Community is a social groups of people living and working together in the same area – who share common cultural values. People help each other – learn lessons and solve problems together. Cultural and social relations – economic and environmental improvements lead to community well-being. Using available tools, support and practices makes the community stronger and more effective. We all need to care and work together to develop a legacy

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Guidance and instructions are not the same. Guidance is advice – giving directions – how to deal with problem solving and moving forward in a positive way – but, instructions are telling someone how to do something. Reasons Why Guidance is Preferable: In my opinion guidance is better than instructions. Because, mentoring provides an opportunity to consider others’ strengths, temperament, skills, development, and family culture. Guidance helps to creatively solve problems

Guidance and Instruction-Which one is Preferable, Why? Read More »

Critique skills prepare you—how to act, manage—and evaluate your efforts. Criticism helps you make positive changes in your life and gain a competitive edge. Critique shows and corrects mistakes, errors and also provides opportunities for learning. Person’s Critique Skills Should Be: Behavioral Skill- What to do in life. Linguistic Skill- How to communicate in life. Cognitive Skill- How to think for betterment in life. সমালোচনা দক্ষতা আপনাকে প্রস্তুত করে- কীভাবে

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Business partners act as complementary skills that can help create the necessary balance between your strengths and weaknesses. Expanding a business requires a business partner who brings something different than you that is beneficial to your business overall. Reasons Why Partner is Important in Business: Business partners provide access to more knowledge, innovation, expertise, and funding. Business partners bring new skills and personalities that the business needs to grow. If

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Business partnerships – start with high expectations. It is important to know as much as possible about the potential business partner before signing the contract. Business partners join your business with knowledge, skills, and money, which help grow your business. Choosing the right business partner is essential. Consider the Following Factors When Selecting Compatible Business Partners: Is your compatible business partner’s commitment to business as strong as yours? Commitment of

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Disagreement – A situation where people lack the same opinion – consensus or approval. Adults and teenagers have differences of opinion – which both need to understand, respect and agree on. Ways to Reduce Disagreement Between Adults and Teenagers: In adult-teenager relationships – adults have years of experience and the quality of reasoning – which teenagers need to respect and agree with. Then the disagreement will be reduced and the

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Guidance – Gives children opportunities to develop strengths, temperaments, skills and consider family culture. Instruction determines your approach and strategies to support and influence children’s behavior. Guidance uses words and actions that positively influence children’s behavior. Children find acceptance as worthy individuals. Benefits of Guidance to Children: Guidance is not punishment – nor is it about controlling and intimidating children. It is about creating the mental, physical, and social environment

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Help and guidance are not the same. Help is the act of supporting something. But, guidance is advice, direction, which indicates – how to solve a problem and move forward in a positive way. Guidance should be preferred – because it gives what is needed to complete the task satisfactorily. Difference Between Help and Guidance: Help – is doing something that makes it easier for someone to do something. Help

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Mastermind group combines knowledge and efforts of two or more people working toward specific objectives in a spirit of harmony. To sharpen skills – Mastermind groups are used for brainstorming, learning, accountability, and support. Purpose of having like-minded people in groups is to support continued thinking about a topic without losing interest. Mastermind groups are not psychological support groups—structured groups—made up of like-minded people who have similar goals. Qualities of

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Mastermind groups are economic – with diversity of education and experience (EEE) – creating the power to connect minds to overcome people’s weaknesses and develop road maps for the future. Mastermind groups are used to sharpen business skills – brainstorming, learning, accountability, and support. Mastermind Group – A combination of knowledge and efforts of two or more people working towards a specific objective in a spirit of harmony. Benefit from

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Support from self and others fulfills psychological and biological needs—critical to fulfilling life. Successful people understand and actively seek to build relationships with themselves and other people to support their success. Achieving success on your own always requires more time, effort, knowledge, resources, and support from yourself and others. Benefits of Support from Self and Others: Support – Both formal and informal are necessary to achieve success. Support from others,

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Higher Education – University degrees provide in-depth knowledge and understanding so that students can advance to new horizons of knowledge. Allows people to upgrade knowledge and skills from time to time based on social needs. Higher education is relevant and essential in employment. Higher education is the relevant qualification for specific jobs that match their job demands – according to the increasing demands of employers. Status of Higher Education in

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Eligible employee  – having the skills, knowledge, and ability to perform the required functions of the job. Demonstrated ability to perform duties safely at his level with little supervision. Eligible employees are capable and skilled – able to meet specific requirements or perform a specific purpose. Employers’ Point-of-View about Eligible Candidate: Many employers want to hire highly educated and deeply technical talent – those who have graduated with a program

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Asking right questions is critical to understanding and learning. Asking right questions is essential to keeping yourself and others engaged and developing. People receive and process information by asking the right questions – which encourages unique and critical thinking. Benefits of Asking Right Questions: Asking right questions – removes confusion – and helps gain knowledge. Questioning – improves the ability to transfer knowledge and skills – helps reach a mutual

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Good information presenter is one who provides value to the audience and addresses the audience from his or her perspective. Presenter should not only highlight his skills or knowledge – should present examples, stories to connect with the audience. Key qualities of Information Presenter: Information Presenter – Can appreciate and explore own and other’s thinking. Presenter – Analyzes own weaknesses and works out how to improve and relax during presentation.

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Assigning responsibilities and assigning tasks are not the same. It is necessary and important to know the difference between the two. Delegation is the transfer of authority, and responsibility, but not accountability to the employee. It helps in increasing employee morale-confidence and productivity. Delegation of responsibility – making decisions and performing tasks for that team member – is usually part of a manager’s job. Delegation of responsibilities – not only

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Taking responsibility increases team members’ decision-making – motivation and work performance. Taking responsibility also increases the employee’s chances of improvement. Advantages of Taking Responsibility for Team Members: Taking on responsibility – motivates members to improve their skills and be ready to take on greater responsibility. Taking responsibility – encourages the member to understand and influence his work. Involvement of team members at work increases their enthusiasm, initiative and chances of

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Skill gap – Refers to the difference between the skills required for a job and the skills an employee actually possesses. Not all workers can perform the entire job properly due to skill gaps. The skills gap makes it harder for individuals to find jobs—and for employers to find appropriately trained workers. Ways to Narrow Skills Gap: For Employers :- To close the skills gap, hiring diverse entry-level talent must

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Education – provides knowledge, skills, creativity, ethics, skills, values, beliefs, habits, and the ability to think critically, practically in personal life and in the workplace. Benefits of Education: Education provides stability in life – and that’s something no one can take away. Being well-educated – having a degree, better career opportunities, and prospects can be increased. Education gives higher income – more opportunities in life. Society and community benefit as

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Asking questions – important for understanding and learning. Asking a question means wanting to know more information about something and answering a question is providing information. In fact, we should encourage questioning – which helps to understand the problem. Questions help you create better solutions to the challenges you face. Benefits of asking questions: Questions – remove confusion. Questions – help in acquiring knowledge. Questions – helps to reach a

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Verbal communication means speaking and listening verbally to exchange ideas, thoughts and information. People converse with each other through verbal communication – such as speeches, presentations, discussions. Verbal communication is essential for direct communication to build rapport and trust instantly. Importance of Verbal Communication: Verbal communication- useful in problem solving. Conflicts, disputes and many issues/differences can be resolved by talking. Feedback is spontaneous in verbal communication. So, quick decisions can

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Purpose of education is the process of developing learning skills and knowledge. Education helps people think about how to act and what to learn. Education is not about acquiring certificates. Proper education and its implementation is the backbone of improving our behavior. Beliefs About  Purpose of Education: Purpose of education is to provide opportunities to acquire knowledge and skills that enable and contribute to people’s ability to develop their full

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Commitment is the act of being intellectually and emotionally committed to the progress of an action. Think carefully before you make a Commitment—because a Commitment forces you to do something. In order to realize the Commitment, the goals must be lofty and achievable. Example: If someone is going to join the police – he has to commit to doing the right thing. Ways Commitment Turns Into Reality? Be Flexible: Flexibility

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Mentor  is an expert in a particular field or area of responsibility. Being a mentor means making a serious commitment to someone important. Good mentors impart knowledge in a way that people can take on board and use to achieve success. However, at the same time, mentoring helps people build their own resources. Attributes of Mentor: Able to clearly explain what the mentor knows – and is willing to take

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Teamwork – Achieving something collaboratively through the efforts of a group of people for a common cause. Teamwork helps people to work together in an environment of mutual support and trust. When members focus on team performance—including efficiency and power goals—they begin to see the effectiveness and benefits of teamwork. Effectiveness of Team at Work: Sharing: – The team distributes the work fairly. Belonging:- The team provides an identity. Pride:-

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Social space is an environment of physical or virtual relationships with an unlimited range of objects and events developed socially by the discussion group. Eg – social hub, online social media gathering place – where people gather and interact. Ways to improve communication skills in social space: Discussion in social places – people like to talk about their work, hobbies, etc., and you can improve yourself by sharing your hobbies,

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Respect is something that is not automatically given. Respect must be earned. A respected person has some unique and unifying quality – so others respect him. Respectable person not only respects himself but also respects others with whom he lives. You will also be respected if you live around others and earn their trust and respect. Qualities of “Respected” Person: Courteous behavior: Respectful person is courteous to family members, co-workers,

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Criticism is an evaluative exercise—it can occur in any area of human life. Criticism – based on mistakes – is perceived as an expression of judgment of one’s qualities and faults. Criticism creates fear of failure – avoiding people or staying silent is not a solution to avoid criticism – solutions require intelligent action. Ways to Deal with Criticism: On criticism – do what people say – if, you find

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“Brain Drain” refers to the migration of skilled and intellectual people from their home countries to other countries for better living standards, higher-paying jobs, and better access to technology. Unfortunately, the brain drain limits Bangladesh’s growth potential as many skilled workers and intellectuals leave the country due to better political conditions and job opportunities in other countries. Causes of Brain Drain from Bangladesh: Many talented individuals from developing countries travel

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Self-managed sales professionals can manage their thoughts and emotions consciously and productively, like being their boss. Self-managed regulate our behavior, thoughts, and emotions can help us excel in our personal and professional responsibilities, benefitting both ourselves and our company. Ways to Become Self-Managed Sales Professional: To become a successful sales professional, ask yourself what you expect from your customers and organization. Think of yourself as a business manager. Prioritize staying

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Working well under stress, such as staying calm, thinking logically, making quick decisions, and possessing organizational, time management, and problem-solving skills, is an excellent asset for any employee. Stress can occur in situations where others interfere with your work, attempt to undermine your abilities, or when you are under scrutiny to perform at your best. This skill can set you apart from other employees to perform under pressure. Ways to

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Shame is a powerful emotion that can arise from guilt or foolish actions. It can make people want to hide or deny their wrongdoing. Shame can also lead to anger, self-blame, and the desire to disappear. Ultimately, this can cause emotional, physical, and relationship damage. Ways to Avoid Shame Game: To avoid being shy, working on improving your social skills and engaging in social interactions is essential. Doing so allows

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 Active listening and responding to the other person improves mutual understanding and builds stronger relationships. Active listening is essential in the workplace to manage situations and solve problems. Active listening is listening with all senses entirely focused on what the speaker is saying. Active listening is the most fundamental component of interpersonal communication skills in the workplace. Importance of Active Listening in Workplace : At work, people listen to get

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Knowledge is power – Only knowledge in this world increases value even when shared with others. Without knowledge, no person can thrive in life. Knowledge sharing is an activity through which people exchange information, skills, and abilities among friends, colleagues, family, organizations, communities, and society. So – sharing knowledge with others is essential. Positive Effects of Sharing Knowledge in Society: Through knowledge-sharing in society, individuals can learn from each other’s

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Top performers go above and beyond the requirements of their roles in the workplace to achieve their goals. They regularly take on and complete more leadership and work tasks. These individuals are high achievers who understand the significance and impact of change. They take initiatives with a focus on not only delivering results but also maximizing the company’s profits. They are eager to drive the required business results, capable, and

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Non-cooperative Co-workers are unwilling or unable to work with others. Non-cooperative Co-worker treats loved ones, family, friends and colleagues badly. Such behavior can cause them to feel isolated, alone, and frustrated, leading to negative treatment of loved ones, family, friends, and colleagues. Ways to Work with Non-cooperative Co-workers: To deal with non-cooperative coworkers, try to understand the reason behind their behavior. Is it a personal problem, communication problem, lack of

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Intelligence is self-awareness, reasoning, understanding, learning, emotional intelligence, planning, creativity, critical thinking, and problem-solving abilities. Intelligence enables people to think and move forward. Humans use intelligence to solve problems in new and previously tried situations to retain knowledge. Example: – Arina is intelligent – she has pushed past all the other useless barriers and stigmas. Ways to Use Intelligence in Daily Life: Skills and abilities must be used. Intelligence helps

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Soft skills are the ability to learn and use knowledge to perform actions with specified results in effective execution within a limited time. Improving soft skills as interest is essential. Soft skills include personality traits that help us interact with others and be successful at home and work. Preferable Soft Skills: In my opinion, the most important soft skill is the ability to forgive oneself and others. It involves clearing

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Person who has sufficient skills, knowledge, training, and experience for the job – is called a qualified person. Qualified people can apply the knowledge learned in their careers or businesses effectively and efficiently. Qualities that Qualify a Person For Employment: Qualified person knows his limitations. Qualified person knows what he expects from himself. Qualified person know where to get positive help. Qualified person know how to work without instructions from

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